Achievement or Success Submission Form
This form is for the charity to capture and celebrate the achievements of our members, volunteers and groups. Please complete the short form to submit a success, achievement or story about a member. This will help the charity share its news and also encourage new members and volunteers by sharing the journey people have encountered whilst being part of the Catholic Fellowship Disability Network. Please try to upload an image of the person with the submission as this not only improves our communication through newsletters etc but also helps our members.
Name of Person Submitting
Email of Person Submitting
Name of Person/Group The Submission Is In Relation To?
Write a short comment
What Relationship Do They Have To The Charity?
Select an option
How Long Have They Been In The Charity? (Estimate if exact time is unknown)
What Has The Person or Group Achieved? How Has The Charity Impacted Them? Please Share Any Successes Or Challenges That Have Been Overcome?
Please Upload A Photo Of The Person This Relates Too:
Select a File to upload
Anything Further You Wish To Add:
Submit Your Form
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