Feedback on Practice Groups
If some of the questions don't sound relevant to you, just skip them or write a short sentence. You can choose to write your name or be anonymous. But please write your email if you want us to get back to you:) You can also write in Norwegian. Thanks for taking your time to do this!
First Name
Last Name
Which practice group would you like to give feedback on?
Select an option
The Breakfast Club
Hakomi Weekend Reset
Skill Sets Practice
How do you find the registration process?
Very easy
Very difficult
Please write a comment to your answer. How can the registration process be better?
How do the reminder emails work for you?
I like to get a reminder email both the day before and the same day
I would prefer to get a reminder email only the day before
I would prefer to get the reminder email only 1 hour/30 minutes before
I would prefer to not get reminder emails (saving the link)
Other (write your suggestion in the box)
If "Other", write your suggestion here
How do you find the structure of the practice group(s)? Lenght, amount of times a month, the structure of practices within a session
What do you like about the facilitator(s) style of facilitation and ability to hold space and give support? Or have might they improve?
How do you find the topics and practices? Which do you particulary like/not like/could be better?
What do you especially like about the practice group(s)? What makes you come back?
How can the practice group(s) improve? Share any suggestions or ideas
Other comments
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