Member Cancelation
If you would would like to cancel your current membership plan.
First Name
Last Name
Please select the option below that best describes your reason for leaving
Too Expensive (Financial Reasons)
Location (Not convenient or Relocating
Injury (I am Injured)
Lack of Attendance
Maternity (I am having a baby)
How well did the coaching staff attend to your fitness goals and needs?
Extremely well
Very Well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
How would you describe your satisfaction with the facilities including equipment, parking, accessibility?
Extremely well
Very Well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
Overall, how would you rate your experience 1-10? (10 being awesome)
How likely are you to recommend us to a friend?
Extremely well
Very Well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
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