Pre-Registration for Title Deed - Central

Please fill in your details for pre-registration. Enumerators will be making onsite visits for final verification of documents, land, and collection of signatures. This is a 6 step process, outlined on this webpage for you: During this process we will be mapping areas and demarcating property lines, then collecting owner information, then this is followed by community verifications where disputes may occur, and then finally for the Ministry of Lands to review and process the Title Deed. We will need at least 1 of the following documents for verification of ownership: Invitation to Treat Offer Letter Land Record Card Occupancy Licence Utility Bill Council Rate Bill Letter of Sale Deed of Gift The average fee for this process is around 3500 Kwacha. (If you choose not to join the National Land Titling Programme, then it may cost you up to 30,000 Kwacha for a normal registration process.)

If you don't know how to get your Google maps coordinates, please click the link to learn how.

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