Good Shepherd Conservancy is a 501c3 in located in Kansas with the mission to preserve 100% heritage breeds. It's the only remaining commercial Standardbred heritage Poultry farm in the US, and the only farm in the nation to meet these following standards: Certified Standardbred, Pasture Raised, Free-Ranging Flock, Naturally Mating, and Antibiotic Free (from hatch to plate). The Good Shepherd Heritage Chicken is raised locally by Chosen Farms, using the same impeccable standards as the turkey.
Raised by premier poultry framer Frank Reese, these turkeys have lineage dating back to the 1830s. Their turkeys come from any of the eight varieties of Standardbred breeds in existence today: Bronze • Narragansett • Bourbon Red • White Holland • Black • Slate • Beltsville Small White • Royal Palm. Here is a link to read more about Good Shepherd Conservancy
We must order sizes by the case, so please allow some flexibility so we can meet the ordering requirements and minimums. Good Shepherd turkeys include the neck and giblets, and will be available for distribution at Pound Ridge Organics on Thursday, November 16th.