🍂 Grand Mesa Business Guild - Membership Application

We are excited you are interested in membership and appreciate your support! Please answer the following questions and submit your application at the end.

The mission of the 501c3 nonprofit Grand Mesa Business Guild is to create opportunities for community building in the greater Surface Creek, Colorado area and beyond. The Guild will share helpful information and resources among members and the community. We are open to all nice people who are interested in networking and becoming connectors. Come and share your skills, experiences and knowledge of your lifetime with our growing group.

Plus, we are like...really fun.

Grand Mesa Business Guild 2025 Membership Options

Connector Memberships include:

  • Membership custom card & Member sticker
  • Meetup access to all seven 2025 Meetups (quarterly workshops not included) We have snacks! 
  • "I Got a Guy" Network inclusion: this is a powerful collective of our own word-of-mouth referral network with creative, helpful tools in development.

Shine Membership includes all of the above plus

  • Your business listed with a link of your choice on the GMBG website LinkTree within 1 week of joining. Businesses are listed in alphabetical order. Listing on a physical flyer with all members updated quarterly.

Glimmer Membership includes all of the above plus

  • Business Deep Dive Full feature on your business including: interview, blog article writing & published feature in our monthly newsletter with social media share of article. 1 hour business coaching with a GMBG Guide. Deep dives are 1 business per month, first come first served by reservation.

Gather Membership includes all of the above plus

  • Content Shoot +Membership Scholarship + GMBG Swag Mini content photo & video shoot, 10 images with copyright release and 90-second  video. Sponsorship of one Shine membership to support incoming applying member who needs a boost. GMBG branded hat & insulated mug.

Kindness Required

The Grand Mesa Business Guild as a whole values all humans as unique individuals and we welcome the variety of experiences they bring. Because of this, we have a strict non-discrimination policy. We believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, native language, religion, age, ability, citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic. We also have a no-tolerance policy for harassment of any kind and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. 

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