Team MPI Athlete Questionnaire

To Help your Coach, please fill out all the requested information as best as you can.

Team MPI Anti-Doping Policy:I understand that Team MPI has a zero-tolerance policy for doping. This is defined as an athlete taking illegal, prohibited substances listed in the WADA Prohibited List. Depending on the race event, either USADA (USAT sanctioned events for example) or WADA (Ironman sanctioned events for example) rules apply.If an athlete is known to have taken a prohibited substance by any coaching staff on Team MPI or has tested positive by any National or International drug testing organization and does not have a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) authorizing use during training or competing or both, he/she will no longer be a Team MPI athlete.I understand that it is my responsibility to know what is prohibited and what I ingest into my own body. I fully support clean sport and understand Team MPI’s zero tolerance policy.

In consideration for being accepted as a client by Team MPI (Multisport Performance Institute, Inc.) for the purposes of improving my fitness, I hereby attest that I am in good health, that my statements in the Athlete Questionnaire are accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that my physical condition has been verified by a licensed medical doctor. I fully understand the risk inherent in such a fitness program and accept for myself, my heirs, and my personal representatives full responsibility for personal bodily injury, death, or property losses that may occur as a result of my being a part of this program or engaging in training sessions. I hereby indemnify and save and hold harmless Mark Sortino and any other contracted coaches working under Team MPI (Multisport Performance Institute, Inc.) from any loss, liability, damage, and cost I may incur due to my participation in this program. I have read and voluntarily signed the waiver and release from liability, and further agree that no oral representations, statements, or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. I hereby grant full permission to Team MPI (Multisport Performance Institute) to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, website images, recordings or any other record of this service and to be auto-enrolled to receive the company newsletter.