Apply for GPR Operator Freshers/Experinced Candidates
Manger Post : More than 6 year Experince Assitant Post: more then 3 year Experince 10% hike of current CTC GET Post: Freashers
First name
Last name
Phone Number
Date of Birth
Position Applied For
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GPR Operator
Has experince in GPR
Yes (10% hike of current CTC)
Your Highest Qualification
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BSc. in Geology
MSc. In Geology
MSc. In Geophysics
BE, B _Tech , MSc in Geotech Engineering
BE, B _Tech , Civil Engineering
% in Highest Degree
Passing Year of Highest Degree
Job Experince
Experinced in GPR(10% hike of current CTC)
Experince in Year
Prevous Company Name
Previous CTC in lac
Expected CTC
Select an option
10% hike of current CTC 2 year of Experince
5% hike of current CTC 1 Year Experice
15K for freshers
When Can you Joining? Please mention No of Days for Notice Period to Served.
3 Consecutive Months Salary Slip Upload File
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