Best New Business [or organization] DDBIA 2024 Business Award Self-Nomination Form

You are an active business or organization and have been operating in the downtown Duncan Business Improvement Area sometime after May 1 , 2022.
Making the decision to start a new business is the dream of many, but few execute on it. Tell us your start up story here - and don't forget to tell us what motivated you to start your business/organization here is Downtown Duncan specifically? We want to know why you chose us!
Success is defined in many ways; some say it's by increasing sales year on year, whereas other organizations may measure employee or customer retention as a measure of success.
Growth can be understood many ways. Some businesses [and organizations] measure growth by fixing inefficient business practices, thereby increasing profitability, whereas others might consider growth as a simple increase in revenues.

Thank-you for your nomination, if you are satisfied with your answers and have fullfilled each of the nomination requirements, please submit your form now using the button below. Best of luck from all of us at the BIA!

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