2025 In-Person Conference: Sponsor Form
If your organization is interested in sponsoring TPRA's 2025 Spring In-Person Conference, "Navigating Risky TPRM Waters," to be held on April 7 - April 9, 2025, at the Marriott Myrtle Beach Resort & Spa in Myrtle Beach South Carolina, please complete the form below. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Job Title/Role
Sponsorship Level of Interest (select all that apply) *Please note: Indicating a sponsorship level preference does not enroll you nor guarantee that you will receive that sponsorship level.
Admiral (Level 1) Sponsor: $35,000 - $40,000
Captain (Level 2) Sponsor: $25,000 - $30,000
Quartermaster (Level 3) Sponsor: $15,000 - $20,000
First Mate (Level 4) Sponsor: $8,000 - $12,000
Food/Meal Upgrades (food station, bartender, etc.): $500 - $4,500
Extras (photo booth, charging station, badges, etc.): $700 - $9,000
Are you planning on holding a private event with select attendees during the conference?
Unsure at this time
Will you be providing a raffle item?
Yes - TPRA to draw name(s) of winner(s) from opt-in list
Yes - We will collect names at our booth (or other format) and draw winner(s) during conference
Yes - We will collect names at our booth (or other format) and select a winner after the conference
No, we will not be providing a raffle item
Unsure at this time
If you have decided on the raffle item, please specify below.
Please provide your organization's preferred landing page URL for us to use alongside your promotional materials. This will allow us to advertise your sponsorship as soon as contracts are signed and sponsorships paid.
If possible, and if your organization has not provided us with a preferred logo in the past, please upload one now. This will allow us to advertise your sponsorship as soon as contracts are signed and sponsorships paid.
Select a File
Anything else we should know?