Ruth House - Residential Discipleship Program Application

Office address: 1214 W. Bearss Ave, Tampa, FL 33613. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call or email us. (813) 374-3915 info@

(See the living conditions agreement provided with this application)

Medical History

Spiritual Developmental History

Personal Traumas

Family of Origin Information


Work Experience

Please list information about your three most recent employment endeavors.

Financial Responsibility

The program costs $1,800.00 a month, but you are qualified immediately for a scholarship that will bring down the cost to $600.00 a month. This cost is to pay for room/board (mandatory 2 dinners a week). It does not include utilities, other meals, and personal expenses of residents.

We do not accept nor deny applicants according to the lack of finances at the time of entry into the program. However, all Compass residents are required to gain employment while in the program to meet every kind of financial obligation as part of the discipleship program.

Legal History


Mission and Objectives

The Compass House for women is a discipleship program for Third Culture Kids who are seeking a deeper relationship with God while learning relational and life skills to integrate back into North American culture. The discipleship program is also designed to help TCK’s undergoing negative effects of transition and experiencing recurring life debilitating symptoms such as prolonged emotional grief and sadness, emotional anxiety, delayed maturity, betrayal trauma, and crisis resulting from critical incidents. We achieve healing and complete integration by providing a healthy environment through adequate and safe housing, mentoring/coaching, pastoral counseling, and surrounding the residents with a spiritual community that understands the plight of a TCK and where they can discover who they are in Christ. They then experience interdependence in the culture they currently live in.

What to Expect

Residents will:

● Be assigned a career/vocational counselor;

● Receive help in applying for jobs;

● Be assigned a life coach and learn how to budget;

● Learn to pay rent & utilities;

● Receive advanced discipleship classes;

● Receive consistent pastoral counseling;

● Receive assistance in formulating and implementing short & long term goals;

● Receive assistance in applying to Universities or community colleges or

vocational schools;

● Transition to autonomous living while being immersed in local supportive

community (home church and +Compass MK homegroups) and accountability.

Community Living Agreement

We designed Compass House living to gradually allow the residents to experience autonomy from lifelong caregivers and instill a successful and healthy lifestyle. There are basic foundations that can be learned to ensure what every young adult desires in life but does not necessarily know how to achieve. Our goal in the Compass House is to give the residents true freedom and a healthy autonomous sense of being and not restrictions for restrictions’ sake. Thus, certain living conditions are agreed upon by the staff of Compass Ministries and the residents to maximize the objective the residents desire from the discipleship program. These conditions foster interdependence as opposed to individual independence. We believe that humans are inherently made for relationships and autonomy. Freedom and autonomy is the ability to have choices but also accept responsibility for those choices.

Maturity is to be able to care for oneself and at the same time care for others. Both Jesus and Paul encourage us that a life of freedom is, in all reality, a life of self-control and caring (loving) for others. Thus the “house rules” or living conditions are designed to teach every resident how to thrive in relationships and community. Much of what humans have difficulty with deals with relationships. In the Compass House, we will not avoid relationships but learn to thrive and healthily face difficulties with others and learn to experience the peace of God in the middle of relational issues.

Below are the basic living conditions of the Compass House for Women but are not solely limited to these. Additional living conditions may be enacted by staff members in accordance with developing situations to foster healthy relationships. Adherence to these living conditions is non-negotiable. The resident is autonomous to choose to be part of this program or not. If not, then the resident will be asked to seek other arrangements apart from the Compass House.

By signing below the resident agrees to these living conditions. Filling out this application is not an immediate acceptance into this program. Once this application has been submitted, the applicant will receive an interview date. After the interview, the applicant will be informed if she is accepted into the program. Denial of acceptance in the program may be for various reasons. This may include but not limited to; no vacancy, medical conditions the Compass House is not equipped to handle, past or current legal issues limiting the resident from being in the Compass House, difficulty with living conditions, etc. A Compass staff member will explain and make recommendations to the applicant in such a case that denial of acceptance does occur.

● Residents are encouraged to not isolate, but be in relationships with their housemates;

● Communication needs to be respectful between housemates;

● All residents are required to practice personal hygiene and self-care;

● There will be no unopened food or drinks allowed in individual rooms, but will be stored in the house pantry and refrigerator (food and drinks will be labeled by the owner);

● Eating and drinking in the rooms are conditionally allowed pending on the resident’s cleanliness and responsibility in keeping the room from being infested. Do not leave dirty dishes and opened food products in the room;

● Dirty dishes, pots, and pans must be washed and put away every night and the kitchen should be cleaned after each use;

● Rooms are to be left neat when going out for the day;

● There will be assigned chores and a cleaning day for the common areas of the house which all

residents are required to participate;

● Each individual room is to be cleaned and dusted at least once a week;

● Residents are to respect Compass and individual residents’ properties;

● Borrowing without permission is not an option;

● If any Compass and/or individual properties, other than their own, is damaged by a resident, she is responsible for repairing or replacing the property in a timely manner;

● Residents are to respect the privacy and personal space of their housemates;

● Visitors are welcome and will stay in common areas of the house and are not allowed in individual rooms;

● Residents must give advanced notice to housemates and house manager when visitors are coming (shows respect);

● Individual activities in the house with personal guests such as dinner with family and friends,

cooking, games, and movie night must be coordinated with housemates and the house manager;

● No men except for family members are allowed in the house. Only on the front porch or

carport where the furniture will be provided. (Non negotiable);

● One other resident must be in the house when men are visiting. (Non negotiable);

● No parties, no drugs, no drinking alcohol, and no smoking by either the residents or guests of


● Each resident will cook dinner twice a week for the house (a schedule will be given by the house


● All residents are required to participate in the two house dinners each week unless working or in class;

● All residents are required to attend a weekly house meeting;

● All residents are required to participate in the weekly homegroup hosted by the house;

● We expect all residents to be grateful for this opportunity they are receiving.

Privacy Notice

Information gathered in this application will not be shared publicly, and will only be used by staff members doing the intake interview for the specific purpose of determining the acceptance of applicants into the residential discipleship program.

I attest to the veracity of the information I provided, and by signing this application I understand and comply with all Compass Ministries policies and procedures including living conditions as a condition to be accepted into the residential discipleship program. I also acknowledge that I will be required to submit to the authority of delegated staff members of Compass Ministries for my safety and security. I also understand that by signing this application is not a guarantee that I will be accepted into the program. I understand that if I am accepted into the program I will have to sign a more comprehensive contract and will be receiving a more comprehensive manual of the living condition agreement and agree to all required financial responsibilities including meeting all requirements to maintain the scholarship Compass Ministries is offering for the residential discipleship program.