TCG Feedback 2024

I’d love to hear about your experience so far. Below I ask some questions that are in my mind right now and at the bottom feel free to share suggestions, ideas, or anything that comes to mind. You can fill it anonimously but if you let me know your details I wish to appreciate your time and energy with a special reward (either a discount coupon code or with early access to my new stuff). Starred questions are mandatory.

About cameras

These set of questions targets various aspects of camera file creation and usability, from camera transitions and coverage to your preferences for customization and overall usability.

About pricing

You can not see the real effort and hours I put in to keep Trackcams happening. It's both engineering and art as Greg Hill mentioned in his feedback about me. But what's the value for you? Does it worth it? I also try to compare to other iRacing 3rd party add-ons or services (like setups, coaching, broadcasting), let me know how do you find the value vs price balance of the camera packages. If you indicated owning multiple packages above let's consider the most expensive of them (typically it's Premium Road or Oval Gold).

About marketing and communication

This section is focused on customer communication and relationship management through my various marketing and promotion channels. I wish to assess how effective is my messaging.

About streaming / broadcasting (still important but optional)

I found my new love, doing live streams. I think it's the perfect and most accurate way to showcase how my cameras look and feel and how they perform. Please check my live streams on my Youtube Channel (@trackcams22). I wish to improve and know from you how it looks and feels compared to other broadcasts today. This topic is tricky because you need to only concentrate on the displayed view and camera work itself. So please try to ignore any commentator things, fancy overlays and any other stuff that is an additional layer on top of the camera views. Also I know my stream quality is relatively low due to my PC. It will be improved once I can upgrade my old PC. So please try to disregard this aspect as well. If you're tired already these are optional questions you can skip. But this is really important for me and I will appreciate your extra time to answer.
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