TCG Feedback 2024
I’d love to hear about your experience so far. Below I ask some questions that are in my mind right now and at the bottom feel free to share suggestions, ideas, or anything that comes to mind. You can fill it anonimously but if you let me know your details I wish to appreciate your time and energy with a special reward (either a discount coupon code or with early access to my new stuff). Starred questions are mandatory.
Your Name (optional)
Email, please use the one where I can send the reward or coupon code, if you need it :)
What camera package(s) you own?
Premium Road
Oval Gold
Green Hell (Nordschleife)
OZ (Supercars)
None - I only experience them indirectly through 3rd party broadcasts
When was the first time you acquired any of my camera packages?
2020-2022 - pandemic 'era'
2018-2019 - website started
2016-2018 - pre website period
2012-2016 - good old days when everything was for FREE :)
I ain't got any yet
Where did you hear from me?
If you own or consider owning my custom cameras, why do they matter for you? Why not just keep using the default cameras or any other camera packages out there?
About cameras
These set of questions targets various aspects of camera file creation and usability, from camera transitions and coverage to your preferences for customization and overall usability.
How satisfied are you with the overall quality and variety of camera angles provided in the camera package?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
How do you use my cameras mainly?
I drive first then after I finished driving I rewind and look at the action
I like to spectate random or special event races when I'm not driving
I use them mainly to create content (produce screenshots, capture videos)
I mainly use them for streaming/broadcasting
Do you find the camera views to be well-suited for specific car/track types (e.g., GT, open-wheel, stock cars / road, oval, dirt)?
Yes, they are well-suited
Mostly, but some could be improved
No, they are not well-suited
Do you find the provided camera groups cover a sufficient variety of angles (e.g., on-track, in-car, pit stops, aerial views, etc.)?
Absolutely, more than I need actually
Yes, there's plenty of variety
Somewhat, but could use more variety
No, it lacks variety in some areas
Do the camera views adequately capture and reflect the unique characteristics of each track (e.g., elevation changes, tight corners, wide straights)?
Yes, the cameras match the track's features very well
Yes, but some tracks could be better
No, the cameras don’t capture the track’s unique features
How satisfied are you with the flow and smoothness of the camera transitions between angles?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
Are there any specific tracks or cars where the camera angles do not perform well (e.g., poor visibility, awkward angles)?
Do you modify in any way the camera views or groups order to fit your personal preferences (e.g., adjusting angles, focus)?
Not at all
In some special case only
I often change/add/remove bits
How do you feel about update frequency? Due to the amount of cars and tracks to maintain currently I do mostly one update per year or when I feel enough changes are done. But in cases finished content is sitting and waiting months to be released.
1 update per year is fine
2 update per year is preferred
Update after each iRacing release is preferred
I'm a Patreon member and I get access to new developments in general once per month
Which type of camera group you enjoy the most when spectating a race?
In-car (driver’s view)
Trackside (real life camera replicas)
Trackside (TV 1-2-3 my custom angles)
Trackside (Static TV, SpeedCam)
Aerial / Flyover (DynamicTV, Blimp, Chopper, Chase)
Pit view
Specials (Pole, Grid camera, Scenics)
From the above what is your favorite camera group (feature) and why?
Are there any camera types or angles you feel are missing or could be added to enhance the experience?
How intuitive do you find the process of loading/updating and using the camera files in iRacing?
Very Intuitive
Somewhat Intuitive
Somewhat Complicated
Very Complicated
How likely are you to recommend the camera package to other iRacing users?
Very Likely
Very Unlikely
In one word or short sentence what would you tell to your friend about your experience with my cameras or thinking about my brand and what I represent in general?
If any, what is for you my best camera innovation (camera shot) that you saw nowhere else before? In other words was there any 'wow' moment and what kind of camera shot made it happen?
About pricing
You can not see the real effort and hours I put in to keep Trackcams happening. It's both engineering and art as Greg Hill mentioned in his feedback about me. But what's the value for you? Does it worth it? I also try to compare to other iRacing 3rd party add-ons or services (like setups, coaching, broadcasting), let me know how do you find the value vs price balance of the camera packages. If you indicated owning multiple packages above let's consider the most expensive of them (typically it's Premium Road or Oval Gold).
How do you feel about the current price of the camera packages compared to the value they provide?
Excellent value for money
Good Value
Fair value
Poor Value
Very Poor Value
How do you perceive the pricing of the camera packages in relation to other 3rd-party iRacing services or add-ons (e.g., setup shops, driver coaching, broadcasting, car painting)?
Much More Affordable
Somewhat More Affordable
About the Same
Somewhat Expensive
Much More Expensive
I don't know
What other iRacing services or software add-ons, if any, would you consider purchasing alongside a camera package?
Setups, setup shop subscriptions
Driver coaching
Broadcast services
Car painting
Trackside or in-race photography
Telemetry or data analysis
Overlay services
Something else
None, I only purchase camera packages
Do discounts or special promotions (e.g., for upgrades or new packages) influence your decision to purchase or upgrade your camera package?
Yes, significantly
Yes, somewhat
No, discounts don’t affect my decision
No, I prefer paying full price for quality
At what price would this be so cheap that you would really question the quality?
At what price would you consider this a bargain?
At what price would this be getting on the expensive side for you?
At what price would this be too expensive that it would be prohibitive for you?
Paypal is still the most used payment method but it cost me 12-15% every time (3-5% transaction fee, 10% currency conversion fee). If I get rid of it would you still buy with card?
To save more and remove any remaining 3rd party transaction fees from price, would you pay with crypto directly to me?
Is there anything about the pricing of the camera packages that you feel could be improved (e.g., too high, too low, should offer more tiered options)?
About marketing and communication
This section is focused on customer communication and relationship management through my various marketing and promotion channels. I wish to assess how effective is my messaging.
How do you prefer to receive news/updates about new camera packages, promotions, or discounts?
X (Twitter)
iRacing Forum
My Website News Section
I don't prefer receiving updates
Do you feel that my messages and updates you receive are clear and easy to understand and easily actionable?
Yes, always
Mostly, but sometimes unclear
Rarely clear
No, never clear
When receiving a marketing email about upgrades or new packages, how clear are the instructions or details about how to apply the discount or make the purchase?
When receiving a marketing email about new camera packages or discounts, how likely are you to act on the promotion (e.g., make a purchase, check out the offer)?
Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Currently on my Youtube I mostly produce camera demos with music. Just started to do occasional live streams. What else would you like to see: tutorials/explanation type of videos with text/voice, shorter ambient clips, more live streams?
I need more well edited music showcase videos even if they take more time to make
I wish to see tutorials to learn these skills myself
I need more live streams
I need shorter, but more frequent video content
How can I improve my email promotions, social media content, or customer communication in general to better serve your needs and interests?
About streaming / broadcasting (still important but optional)
I found my new love, doing live streams. I think it's the perfect and most accurate way to showcase how my cameras look and feel and how they perform. Please check my live streams on my Youtube Channel (@trackcams22). I wish to improve and know from you how it looks and feels compared to other broadcasts today. This topic is tricky because you need to only concentrate on the displayed view and camera work itself. So please try to ignore any commentator things, fancy overlays and any other stuff that is an additional layer on top of the camera views. Also I know my stream quality is relatively low due to my PC. It will be improved once I can upgrade my old PC. So please try to disregard this aspect as well. If you're tired already these are optional questions you can skip. But this is really important for me and I will appreciate your extra time to answer.
In case of any broadcaster, how important is the camera work (selecting views) to your overall enjoyment?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all
On top of the basic switching between camera groups (TV, onboard, etc), how important is for you creating a more dynamic look and action focused framing by additional live editing (zooming, rotating onboards, special gridding view)?
I don't care much about view perspective just want to see what is happening on track
Important, because I notice with official iRacing broadcasts camera angles repeat after some laps
Very important, with live editing almost every lap looks different so it rarely gets boring
How engaging do you find my camera direction (i.e., how the cameras switch between views, zooms compared to other broadcasts?
Very Engaging
Somewhat Engaging
Not Very Engaging
Not Engaging at All
On any broadcast what are the most noticeable technical issues with the camera work that negatively impact your viewing experience? (e.g., lag, poor focus, poorly placed camera, sudden camera cuts or switches)
Would you like to see any interaction during my broadcast (e.g., directorial commentary on camera decisions, sharing camera tips)? What direction should I take?
Yes, it would add to the experience and teach me new things
No, I prefer a raw iRacing sound broadcast and just enjoy the action and ambience
Maybe, depending on the context
I prefer traditional broadcast with you directing and pro commentary and pro overlays on top of that
Regarding onboards I'm experimenting with a few things. Dou you like the Driver's Eye (helmet camera view) or 360 degree camera views during a live broadcast?
Insane, like them both - can get those cams for myself too?
Like them and want to see more of it and other experiments during the live broadcast
Like them but my jaw did not drop, show it once or twice is enough
I prefer traditional onboard shots only
Don't like them at all
Strictly from camera perspective, who is your favorite streamer or broadcaster (using external TV style cameras) and why?
Thank you for getting here. Overall please provide any additional feedback or improvement suggestion about my camera work, website/services, streams. Is there anything I should start doing or stop doing?
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