Application for a complimentary online session with a Certified Intimacy Coach
Please Note: If we cannot confirm the call within our Code of Conduct for online sessions with the relevant details it won't be forwarded to the coach to contact you. Please be HONEST about any problems you may have and please note we do not coach on erectile dysfunction unless it has been cleared by a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL as this could indicate serious health & heart issues. This session is mainly to determine if it's a fit for you to work with a particular Intimacy Coach, and is not a sales pitch. You can discuss rates within a complimentary call only if you choose to move forward with a course / sessions etc
Preferred name
Phone Number
How did you find out about us?
Social Media
Word of Mouth
What are your reasons for wanting to consult with an Intimacy Coach?
I'm curious and want to find out if this would work for me / my relationship/s
I'm having body image issues
I'm struggling with climax
My relationship needs help with parts of our intimate life
I want to learn about Tantra & Conscious Sexuality
I'm not sure, I just want to find out about what's involved with Intimacy Coaching
I'd like to discuss your LGBTQIA+ Intimacy Coaching
I'd like to know more about the Sensual Self - For myself
I'm having physical issues with intimacy due to aging / menopause
I'd like to experience more intimate pleasure with myself/ partner
I'm interested in sex magic - manifestion - meditation - energy work
I'm experiencing pain in my intimate life physically/emotionally
I'd like to attend a workshop/retreat about Sense You Wellness
I'd like to do some healing within my intimate life and relationships
I'm interested in Tantric Bodywork / Taoist Bodywork
I've lost my spark/libido in my relationship
I'd like to balance my sexual energy as it feels overwhelming
I'm having an issue with pornography addiction
I want to experience more pleasure and acceptance in my intimate life
I'm interested in Sacred Sexuality - Tantric/Taoist/Energy Work
I'm in a new relationship and would like to learn how to pleasure my partner
I'm interested in learning Sensual Yin Massage / Taoist Massage / Tantric Massage
I've been through divorce/ betrayal and need an intimacy reset / help with this
I'm having fear/guilt/shame around intimacy or sensuality
I'm struggling with SSRI's or medication / illness and impact on my intimate life
I'd like to learn about Ecstatic Plateau / Full Body Energy Orgasm
I've had some bad experiences with sexuality and would like to learn what my healing options are
Can you explain more about your personal journey or issue, and why you feel an Intimacy Coach may be able to help you?
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