Letter from Santa - Personal -
Please fill out this form before purchasing - the information will be used in personalization!
Purchaser's First Name
Purchaser's Last Name
Purchaser's Email
Purchaser's Phone Number
Complete mailing address for letter
Child's name, as you would like it to appear in letter
Child's Age
Parents/caregivers, and how the child refers to them (Mommy, Pop, Dad, Grandma, etc.)
Name(s) and age(s) of child's siblings
Child's hometown
Grade and name of school
List any names and types of pets. List any responsibilities the child has for the pet(s).
List 1 -2 interests and/or hobbies (sports, art, dance, etc.). Include team/group names.
What is the child asking for from Santa?
SLO Santa won't make any promises about gifts. However, is there anything the child wants but not is getting, and you would like Santa to make an excuse? (i.e. "Let's save the XBox for when you are older. I am hopeful that I can bring you ___")
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