Race Registration
We will be holding races at either the 6 mile to Ring Beach or Low Water Bridge to Miami Bar. Flow and road condition dependent. There needs to be 3 watercraft for each category in order for there to be a race. Watercraft with no competitors may join the race as one of the three master propulsion categories: oar, double bladed paddle, or single bladed paddle. Racers will be contacted with the details of the event. We expect the ACA insurance to require a $10 fee and a liability waiver for each racer. We expect the flows to provide for a class III race. Please register one form per watercraft (even if you have a paddle raft team). Boat captains will be expected to share relevant info with their team prior to the event.
First name
Last name
Phone Number
Boat type
I want to participate in the AIRE Rapid Grand Prix race (if it is offered.) Classes include R4 and R2 (round boat only) and hardshell (less than 10 ft)
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