Refund Request Form
At Skill With Earn, we strive to provide you with the best experience possible. If you've encountered an issue with a skill you've earned, we're here to help. Please fill out the form below to request a refund for your skill purchase.
User Details
User First Name
User Last Name
User Email
Phone Number (Running)
Your Username on the website
Select an option
Profile of Skill With Earn
Select a File
Screen Shot of profile (JPG)
Refund Details
Please provide a brief explanation of why you are requesting a refund. This will help us understand and improve our services.
Refund Type
Select an option
Refund For
Select an option
Enter Your Program or Service name
Program/Service Starting Date
Reason For Refund
Date of original payment
Proof of Payment
Select a File
Max Size 10MB (PDF)
Bank Account Holder Details
For the appropriate payment, please enter the correct information. Please double verify the information you have filled out after completing it.
Holder Name
Holder Address
Holder Email
Holder Phone Number
Holder City
Holder State
Holder Country
Holder Paypal
Bank Account Details
Name of Bank
Bank Full Address
Bank Country
Bank Account Number
Confirm Bank Account Number
Account IFSC Code
Bank Passbook
Select a File
Passbook Front Page (10MB,JPG)
Term to Submit Request
Please read the term carefully.
I reviewed the terms regarding refunds and cancellations before submitting form.
I filled out all the information correctly.
If I provide incorrect information on the form, I accept all liability for any incorrect payments.
I had to double-check the form before submission.
If I have not paid for the Webite course or service and want funds, the website might take strong action against my deception.
Your Signature
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