This document is to confirm the Agreement between Ruggles Social Club (All In, LLC) and Member.
By signing this document, both parties agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Ruggles Social Club is a membership based social club and is registered as an Ohio business in good standing, which requires all individuals who enter this club to become members before participating in any club activities. Upon execution of this document, the signed party shall become a member of Ruggles Social Club in good standing.
2. Upon receiving your official membership from Ruggles Social Club, we will supply
you with a Membership Card. Please carry this Membership Card with you when you plan on coming to Ruggles Social Club to use the facility.
3. There will be a daily entry fee of $10.00 to use the facility. This entry fee must be paid upon entry to Ruggles Social Club.
There will also be an hourly fee for chair usage. From time-to-time Ruggles Social Club may offer our members special rates for chair usage. This will be at the sole discretion of Ruggles Social Club.
4. All members MUST adhere to all rules and regulations of Ruggles Social Club at all times. This shall include, but not be limited to the following:
• Behavior. We expect everyone to act polite and professional when using Ruggles Social Club. The first time we have a problem with a member, will also be the last time. That member will be removed and their membership revoked forever.
• Drugs. There will be NO drugs allowed on the premises. If you attempt to bring drugs into Ruggles Social Club, you will forfeit your membership and not be allowed back.
• Tobacco. There will be NO smoking allowed inside the building. If you wish to smoke, you may go outside.
• Alcohol. Ruggles Social Club has a policy that will allow members who are 21 years of age or older to bring in alcohol. We will keep it stored for you and will make such available to you at your request. Excessive drinking will force us to cut you off or ask you to leave. Please drink within your limits.
• Concealed Carry. No guns or weapons of any type will be allowed inside Ruggles Social Club. If you're found in violation of this rule, you will be asked to leave immediately and you will forfeit your membership.
• Photos / Videos. Under no condition will a member be allowed to photo or video any portion of Ruggles Social Club. The entire world now carries a cell phone with both photo and video options. Should a member attempt to take photos or videos of the inside of the property, you will be asked to leave and you will have your membership revoked.
6. Anyone entering Ruggles Social Club must be at least 18 years of age.
7. Any member that signs this Agreement shall release Ruggles Social Club from all claim, causes of action, damages, liabilities, debts, attorney fees or any type of obligation whether known or unknown, accrued or un-accrued, that arises in any way out of this Membership with Ruggles Social Club.
8. Member agrees and acknowledges that by signing this Agreement, full permission is given to the Club to use any photos, videos, or likenesses of themselves on all media platforms. Member agrees to assume full responsibility for any and all expenses, costs, proceedings, and liabilities occurring either directly or indirectly from the recording or use of their image and/or conduct within the Club premises.
9. This Agreement may not be altered, modified or extended unless amended by Ruggles Social Club and re-signed by Member.
10. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement and understanding between Ruggles Social Club and the new member with respect to covenants contained herein, and no representations, promised agreements, understandings, written or oral, not herein contained shall be of any force or effect.
11. This Agreement shall be ruled and enforced only within the State of Ohio.