V2.0 2025 Vive l'expérience Educator Program Application (01/02/25)

Welcome to Vive's Program Application!

The Applicant should read and complete this application. The estimated time to complete this application is 10-15 minutes. Contact katy@vivelexperience.com with any questions.

All required questions must be completed in order to submit this form. If you have any difficulties accessing this application on your phone, please try a computer. The Applicant will need to have a PNG or JPG of their passport ready to upload. If you do not have a passport at this time, you can still apply now and share this information later. Participation is dependent on space available at the time of application.

Be sure to read the Vive l'expérience Terms and Conditions before continuing your application.

At the end of the application, Applicants must sign to confirm that you have read, understand, and agree to these items. After you submit, you will receive an automatic email with a link to pay your deposit. If you paid the deposit before filling out this form, you will still receive a link to pay, but you don't need to pay twice! Your application is complete when the form and deposit have been received.

The Vive l'expérience (Vive) 2025 Educator Program Application and Agreement includes:

● Payment Terms

● Travel Documentation Deadlines and Policies

● Medical and Dietary Information

● Notice of Privacy Practices

● Illegal Drug and Alcohol Policies

● Group Norms

Payment Terms

The program cost is $4,980, comprised of a $100 non-refundable deposit and equal monthly payments via bank transfer (ACH), credit card, or another payment method approved by Vive, due no later than May 31, 2025. The deposit should be paid immediately after completing this form, if not already paid.

Costs Covered by Program

Program costs include the following expenses during the travel dates of the Program:

● Roundtrip airfare to/from USA departure airport (usually JFK or IAD) to Dakar, Senegal airport (DSS)

● All lodging in country, in double rooms with your own bed and bathroom

● All meals and water in country

● All transportation in country

● Event entrance fees and guide fees in country

● Program costs do NOT include certain expenses. See Terms and Conditions for additional details.

Participants will receive an invoice from Vive to be paid via monthly automatic payments. A late fee of $20 will be issued for any payment not received by the last day of the month in which payment is due. 

If an Applicant has a third party paying via check or purchase order (e.g. school treasurer), the Applicant is responsible for informing the third party of the following:

● Contact Vive at katy@vivelexperience.com at least 1 month prior to payment due date to request a W-9 form from Vive l’expérience, LLC.

● Ensure that any checks include Applicant’s first and last name on the memo line.

Travel Documentation Deadlines and Policies

To be a Participant and maintain a place on the trip, you must do the following:

Pay in full to Vive by May 31, 2025.

Submit a photo of your passport data page by March 1, 2025. Participants must be in possession of a valid passport for international travel with adequate usable visa pages (two blank pages are recommended). The date of expiration must be greater than 6 months from the date of Program's return date.

Provide required Proof of Purchase of travel and medical evacuation insurance by March 1, 2025; we recommend purchasing this immediately after Program acceptance. We also recommend that all Participants purchase Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) insurance. Contact your insurance company for more information.

Provide Proof of Yellow Fever vaccine, submitted at least 30 days prior to departure date, if required or recommended for entry into the Program country. Participants must travel with their Yellow Fever card. This is required for Senegal programs.

Submit Medical Information: Participants are encouraged to notify Vive of any key medical considerations and allergies.

Obtain Malaria Prophylaxis: Participants are expected to take malarial prophylaxis; they must consult their doctor for a prescription.

Obtain Visas if required: Participants are responsible for procuring any travel visa(s) if required for entry to countries we travel to/from or transit.

Additional Required Documents: Vive may request additional required documents to confirm Participant eligibility at any time.

Discuss COVID-19 Vaccination: Participants are highly encouraged to have a COVID-19 vaccination and eligible boosters as defined by CDC prior to the start of the Program session. See Terms and Conditions for more information.

Discuss Other Vaccinations: Participants must consult their doctor for other vaccinations that may be needed or recommended for travel.

Waitlist Policy

When all spaces on a Program have been reserved, Vive may maintain a waitlist for that Program. Final program cost for someone waitlisted is subject to change depending on when a Program space opens up due to potential changes in airfare and other costs. A non-refundable deposit ($100) and submitted application are required to retain a space on the waitlist. If space opens up on the Program, waitlisted Applicants will be notified by email in order of priority. Applicants must accept the offer and pay the balance due based on the pay schedules above, or the space will be offered to the next Applicant on the waitlist. Vive will invoice you and explain the payment schedule. If a space does not open up, the deposit may be applied to a future Program within 18 months of when it was paid.

To maintain a place on the Waitlist, you must 

● Submit passport data and photo of your passport data page by March 1, 2025, if not already submitted in the application.

● Submit proof of purchase of Travel and Medical Evacuation Insurance by March 1, 2025; we recommend purchasing this immediately

● Submit payment in full by May 31, 2025.

● Submit proof of Yellow Fever vaccine submitted at least 30 days prior to departure date.

● Be prepared to meet all the Participant requirements listed above.

Program Application

Passport & Travel Information

Passport data and a photo (JPG or PNG) must be submitted to Vive l'expérience. If you do not have a passport, you will need to immediately apply for and obtain a passport as it can take 8-12 weeks or more. You must provide this data to Vive no later than March 1, 2025 or you may be ineligible to travel and may lose your place on the trip as Vive must submit this data to the airline for ticketing.

Roommate information

If you are traveling with a family member, friend or colleague and wish to room together, you can enter their name now. If not, we will have a roommate questionnaire for you to complete closer to departure.

Medical Form and Dietary Information

Completion of this medical form is a requirement for participation in the Vive l’expérience travel experience. Your information is confidential and will be shared only with those who need to know in order to assist you while traveling, including, for example, providing emergency or other necessary care. We recommend you discuss vaccinations, immunizations, and malarial prophylaxis with your doctor as soon as possible, in case they have any concerns. Participants must meet the following general requirements: possess the physical and mental well-being required to travel abroad where resources may be different or fewer than those to which you are accustomed; exercise good judgment; demonstrate flexibility and function in the face of potentially uncertain or stressful situations. You may experience new environmental allergies or experience seasonal allergies at a time of year when you normally do not encounter issues. We recommend you bring all medication and/or inhalers as prescribed. One of the Trip Leaders may contact you prior to the trip to determine how we can best meet your medical needs while traveling. Participants will engage in activities including, but not limited to: ● City walking ● Walking on uneven surfaces, dirt roads, sand and/or light hiking ● Local travel over rough roads ● Boat rides (ferries and pirogues) ● Carrying own bags ● Climbing stairs ● Standing for extended periods ● Sitting on hard surfaces (e.g. wood, the ground) for extended periods ● Dancing, drumming ● Use of squat toilets ● Sleeping without fans (our lodging includes air conditioning, but sometimes there are power outages) ● Optional swimming in a pool, river, ocean

Optional disclosures:

To your knowledge, are there any predisposing/pre-existing medical, surgical, or emotional factors which may, under stress or duress encountered during the Program, present a need for immediate therapy while abroad?

  • Any mental health condition  (e.g. depression, anxiety)
  • Substance abuse (e.g. alcohol, drugs)
  • Eating disorder (e.g. anorexia,  bulimia)

Do you currently have, or have you ever had or suffered from, been treated for, or hospitalized for an issue that you wish to discolose to the Trip Leaders?  For example:

  • Speech, hearing, or eyesight impairment (contact lenses or glasses)
  • Epilepsy/seizures
  • Asthma/lung disease
  • Heart disease
  • Anemia or bleeding disorder
  • Recent surgery
  • Pregnancy


I certify to Vive l’expérience, LLC that the information provided is accurate. I authorize any physician, nurse or other health care provider to communicate with the Trip Leaders about my medical condition, treatment, and/or prognosis as needed. In the event I am unable to make such decisions, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by Vive l’expérience, LLC, and its representatives to order X-rays, routine tests and treatment for me, to secure proper treatment for, and in the event of an emergency, to order injections and/or anesthesia and/or surgery for me. I hereby give permission to Vive to disclose any HIPAA and other healthcare information to these representatives as well as my emergency contacts if I am unable to do so myself. Participants can exercise their rights to access copies of their Protected Health Information by emailing privacy@vivelexperience.com.

I understand that I am responsible for any additional medical costs and related costs (medications, hospital bills, doctor visits, additional transportation and accommodations, etc.) related to sickness while on Program.

I certify that I have no physical conditions that affect my ability to travel and/or participate in any of the activities involved in Vive l’expérience, LLC Programs. I understand that I am responsible for notifying the appropriate Vive l’expérience, LLC Trip Leader immediately of any injury, sickness or other medical condition, or change to the medical information herein provided. These authorizations are limited through the last day of our established end date of Program.

Dietary Preferences and Food Allergy Concerns

Note: We will contact you closer to departure to ask for your meal request for the airline. This information below will be used for your meal orders during the Progam. If we have any questions on how to best meet your needs, someone from Vive will reach out to you before or during the trip.

Illegal Drug and Alcohol Policies

I understand that the possession or use of illegal drugs at any time during this Program is prohibited. Therefore, I agree not to possess or use illegal drugs at any time during the Program. This includes possession or use of marijuana and CBD products which are ILLEGAL and can result in imprisonment in Senegal. I understand that Vive l'expérience is in no way responsible for my actions, safety, or legal status if I refuse to abide by this agreement.

I understand that possession or use of alcohol during this Program is discouraged as it is not a common cultural practice in Senegal. However, I understand that if I am offered something to drink at a culturally-appropriate time and place, I may accept the drink and will drink responsibly. I understand that Vive l'expérience is in no way responsible for my actions, safety, or legal status if I refuse to abide by this agreement.

Vive l'expérience Group Norms

  • Attend pre-departure meetings on Zoom or watch the meeting recordings.
  • Read and reply to all emails or messages in a timely manner.
  • Attend the Security Briefing and read your Participant Handbook prior to or upon arrival.
  • Follow all instructions by your Vive Trip Leaders. 
  • Speak French as much as possible.
  • Support your fellow travelers as needed, knowing that on a small trip, the actions of each person impact everyone.
  • Participate in planned group activities during the Program.
  • Arrive on time at each destination, check-in site, and for all group functions. 
  • Dress appropriately at all times in accordance with cultural norms. 
  • During our organized activities, everyone is expected to participate and encouraged to limit phone use for taking photos. Participants will have time to use phones, text, make calls when on wifi in hotel rooms.
  • Do not swim in a pool, the ocean, or any body of water without someone to supervise.
  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially with your purses, bags and phones in public.
  • Never leave the group to go off on your own. This includes going out jogging or for a walk, to go shopping, or any other individual activity.
  • The use of alcohol, tobacco, vaping, or smoking is discouraged.
  • The use of any drugs, including any form of marijuana is prohibited and illegal.
  • Driving any vehicle is prohibited.
  • Weapons or any items that could be viewed as a weapon are prohibited.
  • If you have friends or family in country, contact the Trip Leader to see if a time can be arranged to meet. You may not leave the group.

COVID-19 Travel Guidelines

Vive l’expérience values safety and health during our trip Programs. To that end, all Participants are encouraged to have a COVID-19 vaccination and eligible boosters. Vive will continue to adapt COVID-19 guidelines based on recommendations from the CDC and country-specific regulations.

Pre-departure: Any pre-travel testing required for entry to our destination must be completed by each Participant at their own cost. Currently, there are no requirements in place for your destination.

While traveling on Program: Vive encourages Participants to practice good hygiene including hand-washing and use of hand sanitizer as needed. Mask use is optional unless required by our destination, but may be recommended during indoor visits, crowded locations, and anywhere transmission is potentially high. Participants should inform Vive Trip Leaders of any COVID-related symptoms while traveling. The CDC recommends that individuals with a known or suspected exposure to COVID-19 wear a well-fitting mask.

If a Participant tests positive during the trip Program: Participants who test positive will isolate according to local or CDC guidelines. Any testing requirements and/or extra costs associated with isolation will be at the Participant’s cost. Vive will assist Participants with contacting their travel insurance policy to arrange any necessary tests, treatment, etc.

Vive l'expérience Organizer Responsibility and Limitation of Liability

Please read and review Vive l’Experience’s Terms and Conditions for information regarding Organizer Responsibility and Limitation of Liability. In addition, Program price is based on exchange rate in August 2024; if the USD/XOF rate reaches or falls below $1 USD = 499 XOF by January 1, 2025, a $100 surcharge will be required of all Participants, regardless of registration date.

My signature below affirms I have read, understand and agree to the foregoing Vive l'expérience 2025 Educator Program Application Agreement as well as the Terms and Conditions of Vive l’expérience set forth here.

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