Edmonton Juventus Soccer Club - Player Registration - Outdoor 25

Season: Outdoor 2025

CLUB REGISTRATION FEES (No fees for Evaluations)

$1,000 -  HP Program (for teams with a dedicated Tech Coach)

$850 - U13 (2012-13), U15 (2010-11), U17 (2008-09), U19 (2007)

$750 - U8 (2017), U9 (2016), U10 (2015), U11 (2014)

$550 – U5 (2020), U6 (2019), U7 (2018)

Included in Club Registration Fees:

- Green & Gold Academy Training (7 sessions, 1.5 hrs each, at U of A Campus St Jean Fields (91 St-86 Ave)  

- Games (1 per week) with U8-U9 playing 7v7, U10-U13 playing 9v9 and U15-U19 playing 11v11. 

- U5-U7 play  Festival Games (1 per month)

-  Players receive Practice Tech Shirt, Game Shorts and Socks


Waiver and Release of Liability:

In registering for the Edmonton Juventus Sports Club, I understand and acknowledge that there are risks associated with my participation in the clubs activities, be it on or off the soccer field, court or gym. I agree to release and hold harmless the Edmonton Juventus Sports Club, the Juventus Soccer Club, its sponsors, organizers, promoters, facilities and all other persons or entities associated with the Edmonton Juventus Sports Club from any and all injury or damage, for any claims or causes of action whatsoever, for any loss or injury suffered by me or my children. I verify that I am or my son/daughter is physically fit to be able to participate in the activities of the Edmonton Juventus Sports Club. I understand that wearing of shinpads during games and practices is mandatory and agree to be solely responsible for shinpad usage during all play.  Every player and their parent/guardian must read this Waiver Form. In signing below each person verifies to have read, understand and agree to abide to the Waiver and Release of Liability above and its terms and conditions.

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