Community Impact Day Partner Registration Form
Abundant Life @ The Grove Kingdom Hub and Co-Working Complex Event Date: April 26, 2025 | 10 AM - 1 PM Thank you for your interest in participating in our Community Impact Day! We are excited to collaborate with businesses, organizations, and job resource partners dedicated to making a positive impact. Please complete the form below to register as a participating partner.
Business/Organization Information
Business/Organization Name:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Business Address (If Applicable)
Provide a description of your business
Participation Details
Partner Type (check all that apply)
Community Resource Partner- I am bringing resources or services that will provide impact.
Job Partner- I will be accepting applications, or providing on-site Interviews hiring on the spot.
Business Partner- My business would like to provide sponsorship, services or products
Provide additional details on how you will be contributing to our event.
Special Accommodations Needed: (if any)
Do you require a table for set up?
Number of Representatives Attending
Marketing & Promotion Agreement
To ensure a successful event, we ask that all participating partners agree to promote the event on their social media and other marketing platforms.
Do you agree to market and promote the Community Impact Day on your social media platforms?
Social Media Handles
Agreement & Signature
By signing below, I confirm that the information provided is accurate, and I agree to participate in the Community Impact Day as outlined in this form. I also acknowledge that I will promote the event on my organization’s marketing channels and give permission for my branding assets to be used in marketing promotions. Hold Harmless I, the undersigned, on behalf of myself and my organization, agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Abundant Life @ The Grove Kingdom Hub and Co-Working Camplex, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, injuries, losses, and expenses, including legal fees, arising from or related to our participation in the Community Impact Day. This includes, but is not limited to, any loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or financial loss incurred during the event. I understand that participation in this event is voluntary and assume full responsibility for any risks associated with participation.
Your Signature
Brand Assets Submission
To promote your business effectively, please upload the following brand assets: Logo, Headshots, Business Descriptions or Bio
Select a File
Additional Files
Select a File
Additional Files
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